Robert joined the army. In training camp, Robert met a war hero, Eugene Taffler, while searching for lost horses. Taffler was a very large, strong man who was shattering bottles with rocks, while his dog sat alongside him.
A 6-shooter gun. Similar to the one Robert owns and used to put the horse out of its misery |
The book then describes Robert’s life on a boat, the S.S. Massanabie, on route to England. Illness and disease was airbourne throughout the voyage. Privacy and space was hard to come by in this boat. Robert was assigned to care for horses in the infirmary during the trip. On the voyage, Robert made his closest friend that he would ever in the army. His name was Harris and he contracted a bad case of pneumonia, which later got him reassigned to the hospital in England. One night, during a storm, one of the horses broke their leg and Robert was commanded to put it out of its misery. Robert had to go against his morals and love of animals to put the horse out of its pain. He struggled. It took Robert six shots to finally put the beast to rest, which scarred him mentally and emotionally and the war hasn’t even begun for Robert.
thanks for the help